SHOW NOTES – Interview with Janet Etty-Leal
Mindfulness in Education with Janet Etty-Leal
About Janet:
Janet is an author, speaker and Mindfulness Educator. Her consultancy, Meditation Capsules has provided Mindful life-skill programs for organizations in Victoria, interstate and overseas. She has worked across a diverse range of sectors; including education, health, the corporate sector, sport and community wellbeing. Janet’s key focus is to bring Mindfulness to life in Education, with heart, mind and hands-on practices. Her creative Mindful Meditation programs have enhanced curriculum for thousands of students from ELC to Year 12. In 2010 she published Meditation Capsules: A Mindfulness Program for Children. Studies based on this Program have been undertaken by Masters/PhD candidates in Universities in W.A., S.A., Victoria, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the US and Puerto Rico. In 2015 Janet developed Primary and Secondary Nature- Based Mindfulness curriculum for ‘Cool Australia’/ ‘Planet Ark’. Janet’s new book: A Head-Heart Start for Life: Creative Mindful Discoveries for Young Children was published in April 2018. Janet is Secretary of the Board of the Meditation Association of Australia and a member of the ‘Confluence’ Committee with the University of Divinity, which aims to promote dialogue between Meditation traditions.
Key information:
- Practical ways to engage school communities with wellbeing and mindfulness practices.
- How can stories such as Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz be used in mindfulness classes?
- What age should you start teaching mindfulness practices?
- Teaching mindfulness in a religious school.
- What is the relationship with mindfulness and religion?
- How to engage with a new group of students that may be apprehensive about a new teacher and lesson structure.
- What to avoid when teaching mindfulness.
Episode Content:
Episode Resources:
- Meditation Capsules
- Meditation Capsules: A Mindfulness Program for Children
- A Head-Heart Start for Life: Creative Mindful Discoveries for Young Children
- Life with Full Attention: A Practical Course in Mindfulness by Maitreyabandhu
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