Mi7 Survey: Data Policy

The Institute of Positive Education (IPE) has partnered with Resilient Youth Australia (RYA) to develop and deploy the Mi7 Survey and Survey Reporting Portal to survey and report on student and teacher/staff wellbeing. The Mi7 Survey and Survey Reporting Portal are hosted on RYA’s platform and the survey data is stored on RYA’s secure AWS servers.

We are committed to ensuring the protection of individual rights to privacy and confidentiality, and that the information we collect benefits participants.

Data ownership
The survey data is owned solely by IPE, but both IPE and RYA have access to the data. Specifically, IPE has access to aggregated survey responses, not individual responses, which is the same data that a client school or agency sees.

Data use
Survey responses are aggregated when reported to the client school or agency. This is the same level access that IPE has to a client’s data. Individual anonymity is protected by creating one universal login for all participants and by setting a minimum number of responses (9) required in order to report a result for any cohort. These measures ensure that responses can never be traced to an individual.

Aggregated non-identified data may be used by IPE and RYA to generate comparison norms or by reputable research institutions for research purposes.

Data collection and privacy
Our surveys are voluntary and anonymous. All collected data is non-identifiable and we do not collect any sensitive or personal information. Only aggregated data is reported.

When a Principal chooses to establish an evidence-base upon which to make decisions for the continuous improvement of the wellbeing of their students and employees, they may choose to utilise for a fee one or more of our Survey Products or Services. In this case their own school’s Ethics Policy applies.

All data is stored on RYA’s secure AWS servers located in Sydney Australia.
For a detailed description of RYA’s Data Policy and IT Security policy, with which IPE is in compliance, please download this PDF