Thanks for joining us for another spotlight on a strength. We hope to provide a focus for you as you go through your day, and hope to support a specific strength ‘lens’ in your conversations and activities.
Being aware of, spotting and intentionally using character strengths supports wellbeing in individuals, and helps to build and deepen relationships.
Today's spotlight is on Humour and Playfulness. Below is a summary of key resources and ideas included.
- Seeing the lighter side of life. Engaging with others through laughter and play.
- Liking to laugh and joke; bringing smiles to other people; seeing the light side; making (not necessarily telling) jokes.
When used well, Humour and Playfulness is a strength which is similar to other strengths of Transcendence, along with Honesty, Gratitude, Spirituality and Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. These strengths are about connecting with things bigger than ourselves, and the experience of finding a sense of common humanity.
What does a focus on Humour and Playfulness look like in your world today? Can you ask the other members of your household to look out for and share funny moments, to focus on fun and play?
- Challenge your kids to make you laugh: have a joke competition, or a funny face-off.
- Ask the younger people around you to draw a comic about a funny thing that has happened – you could have a go too.
- Ask older kids to rewrite the words to a song to make it about something they’re experiencing, or make up a new game for the family to play together.
- Play board games. Pictionary is a great one to start with if you don’t have any in the house! It even works well in team meetings.
- Watch a funny movie, or a comedian, or listen to a funny podcast.
- Start a 3 Funny Things journal – make a list of things that were absurd or silly in your day.
- Bring some playfulness to a video chat with an interesting background or filter.
TED Talk
The Happy Secret to Better Work, Shaun Achor -
Playful Intelligence: The Power of Living Lightly in a Serious World, Anthony T Debenedet -
The Importance of Being Funny: Why We Need More Jokes in Our Lives, Al Gini